Blank OWA and ECP Pages After Login On Exchange 2013

Recently I experienced an issue with a blank page loading after attempting to sign in to  the Enterprise Control Panel (ECP) and Outlook Web App (OWA) websites on an Exchange 2013 server. After troubleshooting I figured out that after updating the certificate and deleting the old expired cert IIS needed a manual change. I’m not certain if this is a bug in the script Exchange uses to update the certificates from the ECP, but it is easy enough to resolve manually.

  1. Login to the Exchange 2013 server and open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  2. Expand your server name, then sites, right-click Exchange Back End, and choose “Edit Bindings…”
  3. Select the entry using port 444 and click the **Edit… **button
  4. Select the new SSL certificate in the SSL Certificate… drop-down. This drop-down was set to “Not Selected” in my instance. I simply changed it to the cert I had just installed in the ECP and everything worked fine.
  5. Click OK, then Close when finished. Feel free to do an IISRESET as well just to be thorough. I didn’t have to do this, but it never hurts after making changes in IIS.

Once I did that I was able to load OWA and the ECP again. This was a particularly tricky issue to figure out since I didn’t see any errors in the Application logs on the Exchange server. Hopefully this will help out anyone seeing the same issue.

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